manner inimical to the security
While it will be smooth sailing for Dissanayake on economic and investment issues, geo-strategic issues like visits by Chinese research vessels to Sri Lankan port will be ticklish. China insists that the vessels in question are not spy vessels, as India alleges, but are bona fide oceanographic research vessels. After talks with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on December 16 in New Delhi, Dissanayake said in a statement that he had “assured the Indian leader that Sri Lanka will not permit its territory to be used in any manner inimical to the security of India as well as towards regional stability.” Back in Sri Lanka, Kohona argued that there is no reason to treat Chinese vessels any differently from the others as long as they complies with Sri Lanka’s access requirements. “We have steadfastly asserted our non-aligned status,” he pointed out. สล็อต เว็บตรง